


Planning a renovation? Read this before demo day!

4 things to expect during your renovation project:

There’s really no sugar coating it, renovating your home is a big undertaking! Whether you’ve  been through the process before or are completely new to it all, it’s always a good idea to prepare yourself for the unpredictable nature of the work.  

We want to help eliminate some of these surprises by preparing you with some insights on the not-so-glamorous side of renovations.

Here’s what to expect:

  1. A mess (yep we said it)

Let’s be honest,  your home will be a construction site for the duration of your project. Even though your contractor will be using drop cloths, floor protection and dust barriers, your home will look messy and dirt will still escape to other parts of your home. It’s all part of the process, we promise. Your best bet is  to brace yourself for this until the job is complete and the cleaners come in to work their magic! 

Pro tip: We always recommend getting  your ductwork cleaned after a renovation of any kind.

  1. A disruption in your daily routine 

If you plan on living at home throughout your renovation, your daily routine may need to be altered. Expect some noise, workers coming in and out throughout the day and depending on the scale of your reno, a portion of your home to be restricted. 

You may even be without a kitchen, bathroom, appliances or even windows during this time,  so make sure to communicate your needs and expectations prior to starting your project. 

  1. Schedule updates and project delays 

Ideally when finalizing your project and budget, your contractor will give you a timeline and schedule. However, it is important to note that there are several factors that can cause delays during your project which are unfortunately pretty commonplace. Weather, material deliveries, product decisions and post demo inspections, are all things that can contribute to a delayed schedule. 

  1. Renovation changes and budget increases 

As walls open up and your vision begins to take shape, there is always a chance that design changes need to be made. Whether you get a last minute design inspiration or we run into a structural surprise, it’s always a good idea to have a contingency fund built into your budget to accommodate for these potential unexpected costs. Your contractor should provide you with an estimate for these changes before moving forward with any of the work. 

Alright,  I know that was a lot so thanks for sticking with us!  Please know, that these challenges are normal and all part of the process. When it comes to building the space of your dreams, every effort will pay off when you finally get to enjoy your beautiful new space! You’ve got this.

Have any questions? Send us an email and we’ll help you out!

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